Choosing a Dog to Fit Your Lifestyle and Personality

You’ve seen an adorable puppy at just that right time, and you really want to get one. Before deciding to adopt a dog, consider your lifestyle and whether it is suitable for owning a dog, and if so, what type of dog would be a good fit for you.

Owning and caring for a canine companion is a long-term commitment, and should be looked at carefully before making the decision to adopt one. There are many aspects of your lifestyle that can tell you whether it’s a good decision for you to get a dog right now, what type of dog would be a good fit for you, and whether you and your lifestyle would be a good fit for a dog. Your personality can make a big difference, as well, in which type of dog you should either lean toward, or steer away from. Regardless of size or breed, all dogs need love and affection, and daily interaction, from their humans. I think this is absolutely critical to consider.

Look at Your Current Lifestyle. Do you live in a house with a yard, or have a small apartment? A large or active breed of dog needs more room, thus if you live in an apartment, a small dog would be a better choice. Also, consider if you have the time and are willing to exercise your dog each day if it does not have a yard to run in. Are you a walker or jogger or have an active family with children? In these cases a canine companion might be a great fit. Do you live alone, or is someone home a number of hours in the day? If no one is home very often, a dog is not the best pet for you. They need companionship and exercise daily. However, if you are gone most of the day, but are willing to exercise your dog on a daily basis, and can spend at least a few hours of the day with it, a dog might be a good fit. In this situation, consider getting two dogs as companions for each other for when you are away from home.

Consider Your Personality. It can make a big difference in which type of dog you should either lean toward, or steer away from. If your favorite pastime is reading a good book, get a dog that likes to curl up next to you on the couch. On the other hand, if you like outdoor activities such as jogging or hiking, you may want to consider a larger, active dog with a higher energy level. There are many different breeds to fit whatever is your style. Are you a “neat nick” and need everything in its place? Will dog hair on the furniture, dog toys on the floor, and the occasional mess in the house bother you? Consider these things when making your decision. If you answer yes to these questions, there are non-shedding, smaller breeds that might be a good choice for adoption.

Think About Future Lifestyle Considerations. As a dog lives about 10-15 years, you must keep this in mind when deciding to get a dog. Ten or fifteen years are a long time in which lifestyle changes might occur. These might include changes to your household, such as a new baby or a grandparent moving in, changing jobs or moving. Because of dog’s unique relationship with humans, when we adopt a dog, it becomes a member of our family as a companion. They rely on us, love and protect us, and give us companionship and devotion. They are literally family members, not conveniences. Whatever happens in those 10-15 years, you have a dog to consider.

When choosing to get a dog, definitely consider your lifestyle and personality before you make that decision. This will help you decide whether owning a dog is right for you, and what type of dog would be a good match for you. Adopting a dog is a life-changing decision. It can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling of your life. Make it the right one for you.

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